Enroll Today!

We are a year-round school, and we accept enrollments year-round.


HPA is a year-round school, meaning our school term is 365 days from September 1st – August 31st. We accept students at any point during the year. We offer monthly and yearly plans.If you are enrolling late in the year, please remember that our school year does not end until August 31st. If you enroll before then, you are enrolling for the current school year, and if you pay the yearly rate, you will be charged again on September 1st.

If you want to pre-register for the upcoming school year, use the pre-registration code at the top of the site. Pre-registration is only available beginning in May annually and ends on August 31st. Pre-registration is ONLY for yearly payment plans. If paying monthly, you must either wait until the school year you are registering for begins or contact us so that we can apply your payment appropriately.


  1. Age Verification: A copy of a Birth Certificate, passport, baptismal record, or other official age certification is necessary for each child enrolled, whether entering kindergarten only or having never been registered in a public or private school.
    • Further information may be obtained via The Florida Department of Health – My-Florida.com – Birth Certificates or National Center for Health Statistics – Where to Write for Vital Records.
  2. Student Health Examination (HRS-H Form 3040) or Exemption waiver.
  3. Florida Certificate of Immunization (HRS Form 680) or Exemption waiver.
  4. Complete the HPA enrollment application below.
  5. Upload the required documents to your student’s profile and save.
    • After you are registered and have enrolled your student(s), look on your dashboard and click on “Student” and then on “View/Edit” next to the appropriate student. On this screen, you will see all the necessary enrollment questions and the areas where you can upload the documents. It would be very helpful if you changed the document’s file name to contain the student’s name and the document’s contents before uploading. Example: JaneDoeExemptionWaiver. pdf
    • The slots are as follows:
      • Age verification- Birth certificate, passport, baptismal certificate, etc. (Not required for students who have ever attended any other school before)
      • Health Certificate (School Physical), State exemption waiver, or our exemption certificate. (Required for ALL students)
      • Immunization Certificate, State exemption waiver, or our certificate of exemption. (Required for ALL students)
    • If you’ve already uploaded the documents, the student’s profile will still say “Pending” until we are able to verify and change the status to “Enrolled.” If the account has not been updated after two business days, please contact us.
  6. Once your child is enrolled, there is no need to re-enroll annually as long as tuition does not lapse.

The following requirements are per the Florida Statutes Chapter 1002/1003 Attendance and Private Schools.
(2) ATTENDANCE.—(a) Compulsory school attendance.—The compulsory school attendance laws apply to all children between the ages of 6 and 16 years, as provided in s. 1003.21(1) and (2)(a), and, in accordance with the provisions of s. 1003.21(1) and (2)(a):
(b) Regular school attendance.—Parents of students who have attained the age of 6 years by February 1 of any school year but who have not attained the age of 16 years must comply with the compulsory school attendance laws. Parents have the option to comply with the school attendance laws by attendance of the student in a public school; a parochial, religious, or denominational school; a private school; a home education program; or a private tutoring program, in accordance with the provisions of s. 1003.01(13).
1003.21 School attendance.—(1)(a)1. All children who have attained the age of 6 years or who will have attained the age of 6 years by February 1 of any school year or who are older than 6 years of age but who have not attained the age of 16 years, except as otherwise provided, are required to attend school regularly during the entire school term.

1003.22 School-entry health examinations; immunization against communicable diseases; exemptions; duties of Department of Health.—(a)Prior to admittance to or attendance in a public or private school, grades kindergarten through 12, or any other initial entrance into a Florida public or private school, require each child to have on file with the immunization registry a certification of immunization for the prevention of those communicable diseases for which immunization is required by the Department of Health. Any child who is excluded from participation in the immunization registry pursuant to s. 381.003(1)(e)
2. must present or have on file with the school such certification of immunization. Certification of immunization shall be made on forms approved and provided by the Department of Health or be on file with the immunization registry and shall become a part of each student’s permanent record, to be transferred when the student transfers, is promoted, or changes schools. The transfer of such immunization certification by Florida public schools shall be accomplished using the Florida Automated System for Transferring Education Records and shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this section.
(b) Require the screening of students for scoliosis at the appropriate age.
(5) The provisions of this section shall not apply if:
(a) The parent of the child objects in writing that the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with his or her religious tenets or practices; (Certificate of Exemption)
(b) A physician licensed under the provisions of chapter 458 or chapter 459 certifies in writing, on a form approved and provided by the Department of Health, that the child should be permanently exempt from the required immunization for medical reasons stated in writing, based upon valid clinical reasoning or evidence, demonstrating the need for the permanent exemption;
(c) A physician licensed under the provisions of chapter 458, chapter 459, or chapter 460 certifies in writing, on a form approved and provided by the Department of Health, that the child has received as many immunizations as are medically indicated at the time and is in the process of completing necessary immunizations.
(d) The Department of Health determines that, according to recognized standards of medical practice, any required immunization is unnecessary or hazardous; or
(e) An authorized school official issues a temporary exemption, for up to 30 school days, to permit a student who transfers into a new county to attend class until his or her records can be obtained. Children and youths who are experiencing homelessness and children who are known to the department, as defined in s. 39.0016, shall be given a temporary exemption for 30 school days. The public school health nurse or authorized private school official is responsible for follow-up of each such student until proper documentation or immunizations are obtained. An exemption for 30 days may be issued for a student who enters a juvenile justice program to permit the student to attend class until his or her records can be obtained or until the immunizations can be obtained. An authorized juvenile justice official is responsible for follow-up of each student who enters a juvenile justice program until proper documentation or immunizations are obtained.

Ready to Get Started?

Choose your tuition plan and begin your registration online.

Need help with getting started or having trouble with the enrollment process? Click here for detailed instructions.

Note: While we are an approved private school for families to receive school choice scholarships, we do not accept the funds to pay for our tuition, nor can said funds be reimbursed to you. HPA does not receive tax credits or funding from tax dollars or participate in any government-funded programs as we believe that the costs of such programs — most notably parents’ loss of freedom to direct their children’s education — outweigh the benefits. We keep our tuition very low, offer convenient payment plans, and offer many included resources to assist our families further.

*The enrollment process is best completed from a computer NOT a mobile device, as not all of the instructions appear correctly or at all from mobile devices.*