Tutition and Fees Refund & Withdrawal Policy

General Refund Policy

HPA strives to provide the highest quality educational resources and freedom available. We depend on the timely payment of tuition and registration fees to cover our obligations. Enrolling your child requires a financial commitment much like any other major purchase. Please make School tuition a budget priority.   

The parent(s)/guardian(s) of each student desiring enrollment and/or re-enrollment at HPA is responsible for the Registration Fee and Tuition in order to secure that student’s spot in the student body. These fees initiate all processes necessary to prepare for the school year. Parents understand that they are committing for the entire school year.  Monthly payment plans are an amortization of the yearly tuition and are expected in full by August 31st of the enrollment year. Occasionally, it becomes necessary for a currently enrolled student to be withdrawn from HPA. When this happens, the school’s policy clearly outlines the financial responsibilities of the parents at that time. By enrolling, you agree that this policy will be applied as written. 

In terms of refunding any tuition amounts resulting from student withdrawal, regardless of whether that withdrawal is initiated by the parents(s)/guardian(s) or school personnel, the following general refund policy applies: 

Registration fees and tuition are NON-REFUNDABLE. When a student is withdrawn by the parent, account cancelation is NOT automatic. The parent/account holder is responsible for canceling or changing the family tuition plan after the withdrawal has been completed to avoid any additional charges.

Here are the terms one must agree to upon withdrawal:

“I request the withdrawal of my student from Hillcrest Private Academy. I understand that upon confirmation, my student will be withdrawn, and I will adjust or terminate my family tuition plan to prevent future charges. Hillcrest Private Academy shall not be liable for the student’s continued enrollment or any subsequent tuition fees incurred following the withdrawal date. The payee is solely responsible for any tuition fees paid for a student who has been withdrawn. There will be no refunds for unused tuition payments.”

The above policy covers all normal reasons for student withdrawal, including, but not limited to, the following: 

  •  Simple requests by parent(s)/guardian(s) to withdraw student 
  •  Student withdrawal when determined it is in the best interest of the school and family 

Student Withdrawal 

Rarely are exceptions granted to the established General Refund Policy. When they are granted, however, they may only be granted by HPA’s Administrator. In such cases, he/she will limit exceptions due to the following extenuating circumstances: 

1. Death of the student, or death of at least one custodial parent. 

2. Disability of at least one custodial parent. 

3. Significant income change (defined as a 50% or more reduction in the gross annual income of the primary income earner). 

4. Physical household move to a State or Country where enrollment in HPA is not a legal option. 

5. Any other reason deemed “extenuating” by the HPA Administration. 

In the cases listed above, the tuition amount assessed to the parents will be prorated to the week of withdrawal, thus rendering the General Refund Policy non-applicable. However, it should be clearly understood that a minimum of 25% of the tuition amount will be assessed, even if one of the five (5) extenuating circumstances listed above comes into play. 

In the case that legal action has to be taken to recover funds owed to Hillcrest Private Academy, parents or guardians will be totally responsible for the delinquent balance, all fees accrued, and any legal cost associated with the collection process. 

Contact us at Admin@hc-pa.com for questions related to refunds and returns.