What information does HPA report to the State DOE about my child?
Frequently Asked Questions
Like every other private school in Florida, HPA must submit an annual report called the “Annual Database Survey.” This survey is done online with a follow-up notarized copy mailed to the State DOE.
On the Database Survey, every private school is asked to confirm basic information about the school (address, owner’s name, whether the school is a boarding school, etc.) and information about the students. The information about the students is a headcount — a count of students broken out by grade range — that’s all. No personal information about you or your child is provided to the State DOE — no names, no Social Security Numbers, no attendance counts — nothing but the number of students enrolled, broken out by grade range, along with some other statistical and demographic information. Some of the questions we ask when you enroll your student are for this census survey.
Occasionally we may be contacted by different authorities regarding your enrollment status. Examples of these are CPS, truancy officers, previously attended schools/programs, and attorneys (in domestic/custody, criminal, or otherwise child welfare-related cases). In these cases, provided your student is enrolled, and in good standing, the only information given to them is what is legally required. Under normal circumstances, a statement from us that “Student Name is enrolled and in good standing with Hillcrest Private Academy” will suffice. Occasionally, we may be subpoenaed to appear in court to attest to this and show “proof” of enrollment, attendance, and possibly educational documentation such as report cards or transcripts. If this were to occur, we would contact you for further information and documentation if necessary.