Khan Academy is a FREE resource! Check out all they have to offer and create your free account.

Personalized learning

Tailored to each student’s current learning level, our mastery system gives instant feedback and recommendations on exactly which skills to practice next.

Trusted content

Created by experts, our standards-aligned practice content has over 75,000 interactive practice problems and covers math K-12 through early college, grammar, science, history, AP®, and Official SAT® Practice.

Actionable insights

Teachers can easily use real-time student data to see skill mastery levels, identify misconceptions, form small groups, and tailor classroom instruction.

Self-paced learning

Our mastery system gives your students personalized recommendations for practice just right for them. While students master skills at their own pace, you are able to work with small groups or provide one-on-one coaching.


You can easily find and assign specific lessons or practice for your students. Students can work on your assignments during class or for homework.

Reviewing before a test

Have a test coming up? Have your students take practice quizzes or unit tests and watch videos or read articles to prepare.